Meet Lilly…
Written by Director Ben
“Before camp, I received a call from a desperate, but hopeful mother. Her daughter had sunk into depression a month before when her favorite Uncle had died in an accident. Lilly’s mom hoped camp would help.
At camp, Lilly’s birthday landed on the exact night of the Princess Birthday Party! To make it even more amazing, Fine Linen Theatre provided a crew of Disney Princesses for the party, and Cinderella and Belle sang “Happy Birthday” to Lilly. The smile on her face was priceless. During that week Lilly trusted Jesus as her Savior and was baptized.
Then the last night of camp, Lilly said something about her Uncle as she sat by me, and a conversation started. Before long, Lilly was reminiscing, through laughter and tears, her memories of Uncle Andre.
This week of camp was a special gift from our Heavenly Father in answer to Lilly’s mother’s prayer!”
Children of prisoners are likely the most vulnerable children alive today. But their parents' sentences don't have to be theirs. We have found a week of camp can be a life changing experience, as these children find their true identity and discover that they are never alone.