Read our full invite and link to register!!!
Dear Friends,
The past year I’ve realized something about myself. Despite being a Christian since a little girl, I have lived with deadness and timidity for most of my adult life. Sometimes I’d have these moments where I would start to dream.. and then fear would come back and it was like I was hitting the snooze button over and over. I had been taught lies that what God wanted from me was to deny myself…over and over…and it led me to just dying to all desire. I focused on doing right to make everyone else happy while I was empty inside.
Maybe you can relate to some of these feelings…
I am waking up girls. I can hear the drums beating, and I am no longer living dead. I am embracing my uniqueness, my strength, and becoming all I was created to be. I have a new identify.
I believe this year- 2022 – God is awakening something fierce and wild within his women. Let’s come together and experience what it means to live fully alive. Let’s step out of the shadows of our insecurities, fears, comfort zones, and failures and believe that we are a force that the world has never seen. Let’s awaken something uncontainable.
Register today for our 2022 Jewel Warrior Conference- Fully Alive!!!
Awakened Lioness,
Helen Grace Smith
Founder for Jewel Warriors
Children of prisoners are likely the most vulnerable children alive today. But their parents' sentences don't have to be theirs. We have found a week of camp can be a life changing experience, as these children find their true identity and discover that they are never alone.
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