We want to help our Group Leaders to be successfull! Here is important info to help you plan:


  1. Fill out the INTEREST FORM to start the conversation with us.
  2. Check the YWAM Guest Retreat Pricing and work on the budget for your event.
  3. We will contact you to confirm if the dates and lodging you requested are available, and then send you a contract.
  4. Begin reviewing the Retreat Leader Checklist 2023
  5. Send these 5 essential items: a deposit of $500, a signed Contract, the Hold Harmless Agreement, the Certificate of Liability Insurance, and your Tax Exempt letter (if applicable) in order to confirm your reservation.
  6. Send this YWAM Guest Retreat Packing List  to your group
  7. Fill out the Meal Options Form at least 14 days before your event.
  8. At least 10 days before your event fill out this important form: Group Leader Pre-Event Form. You MUST fill this out so we can have enough food and be ready for you!
  9. On your event day- check in with the Cross Wind office when you arrive. We have important details to go over with you before your group arrives.
  10. You will need a registration person to hand out keys and keep track of who has which key, so you can be sure to get all the keys returned at the end of the event.
  11. Except for unloading, please make sure your guests and leaders park in lined designated areas.
  12. During your stay- For all maintenance or hospitality issues (messy bathroom, clogged toilets, light out, missing items, etc.) text the room location and issue to 573-308-0602.
  13. To simplify cleaning- towels and sheets should be left in place at the end of your stay.
  14. Have your registration person collect the keys and report any that are missing so you can talk to those guests before they leave, or call and follow up with them.
  15. You will be handed or emailed a final invoice as you check out- please pay this as quickly as you can- and no more than 10 days after your event.
  16. Fill out our Retreat Leader Feedback Form
  17. Book next year’s event with us- let your deposit carry over to the next year so you can keep your date on our calendar!
  18. If someone in your group is missing some items, you or them can fill out this Lost and Found form
  19. We love to hear testimonies of what God did at your event, and would enjoy a few digital photos that you would be willing to share to help us promote our rental groups- email to share.

It’s easy to get caught up in our routines and the many hats we wear. In “everyday life,” we may be Mom, Boss, Husband, Employee — or any number of other roles. While on retreat, we step outside others’ expectations of us, and we can put away any definitions we’ve been clinging to that outline culture’s demands. On retreat, we can explore our identity in Christ and our relationship with Him.