Everybody likes a good story. Do you have a story to tell at Camp David this year?


What makes a good story? One aspect to a good story is a dilemma with no way out. Like Israel at the Red Sea, there were mountains on both sides and the Red Sea in front of them and their enemy coming at them from the rear. Or like the story of David and Goliath, facing an enemy with insurmountable odds.


Was there a similar place in your life before God rescued you? Perhaps you were trapped in bitterness, or feeling worthless, felt all your friends forsake you, or felt powerless and stuck in addictions, without God and without hope?


That’s where we find a lot of our campers. If the campers would be able to identify with your story it could be the very thing that would bring them hope. They need to know that in the middle of their dilemma there is hope. They need to find Jesus in your story.


It is important that you prepare for sharing your testimony by writing it out, and remembering that you are sharing your story– not preaching a sermon. Please send your written testimony to us by e-mail, fax or mail. We know this takes time, but hearing how God has worked in your life could be the very thing that will change a child’s life for now and eternity.


The campers often ask with anticipation, “Who’s giving a testimony tonight?” and sometimes they will talk about a testimony that was given the year before. Real life stories leave a lasting impression. We are excited about you sharing your story this summer and know it will be part of giving hope to a prisoner’s child.

“At camp we create an environment where abused and neglected children feel safe having outrageous fun and just being kids.” ~ Ben Smith Founder CDI


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